MidiARP firmware update to v1.00

MidiARP firmware was finally updated to v1.00 and is now considered feature complete. Aside from minor bug fixes and stability improvements, this update adds MIDI Program Change handling that facilitates live playing. It also gets rid of an obscure UI feature that toggled between the current and default parameter value when the switch is pressed while in parameter editing mode.

6 thoughts on “MidiARP firmware update to v1.00

  1. Awesome to hear! So many failed attempts at hardware arpeggiators and so few good choices. I appreciate you getting to this point with the ARP firmware.

    • So true! MidiARP is promising, however, it is hard to control due to limitations of the MidiGAL hardware platform: one switch, one encoder and 8×2 LCD does not leave much room for the UI.

      I have a new platform MidiBUD Mk2 that I’m going to use to continue work on standalone MIDI sequencers and arps. It has 20×2 LCD, 8 switches, 1 clickable encoder, and, most importantly, 2 MIDI INs and 2 MIDI OUTs — this enables MIDI merging functionality and separatin of the clock and control inputs, which is super handy.

  2. Hi Pete,
    Just saw your answer to another question. Will the MidiBUD Mk2 include the features from the MidiREX?
    Great work you’re doing 🙂

  3. Ok. When will the new MidiBud and firmwares be ready? I looking to buy both a MidiRex and MidiBud and would like to save one shipping cost (Denmark). I’m not in a big hurry 🙂

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